Penggunaan Global Contrast Saliency dan Histogram of Oriented Gradient Sebagai Fitur untuk Klasifikasi Jenis Hewan Mamalia

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Yohannes Yohannes
Muhammad Ezar Al Rivan


Mammal type can be classified based on the face. Every mammal’s face has a different shape. Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) used to get shape feature from mammal’s face. Before this step, Global Contrast Saliency used to make images focused on an object. This process conducts to get better shape features. Then, classification using k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN). Euclidean and cityblock distance with k=3,5,7 and 9 used in this study. The result shows cityblock distance with k=9 better than Euclidean distance for each k. Tiger is superior to others for all distances. Sheep is bad classified.


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Yohannes, Y., & Al Rivan, M. E. (2020). Penggunaan Global Contrast Saliency dan Histogram of Oriented Gradient Sebagai Fitur untuk Klasifikasi Jenis Hewan Mamalia. PETIR, 13(1), 80–85.


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