TERANG 2024-01-07T00:00:00+07:00 riki [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>TERANG: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Menerangi Negeri</strong> Journal is a Community Service Journal. TERANG is interpreted as an effort to illuminate the country in the field of engineering and community service. TERANG: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Menerangi Negeri is a journal published by Institut Teknologi PLN d/h. Sekolah Tinggi Teknik PLN that Publish articles on community service activities in the fields of engineering e.g. Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Informatics Engineering, etc,&nbsp;that have e-ISSN: <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">&nbsp;2655-5948</a></strong> and p-ISSN: <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2655-5956</a>.</strong>&nbsp;TERANG: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Menerangi Negeri Community Service Journal Illuminates the Nation published twice a year. TERANG: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Menerangi Negeri&nbsp;is published twice a year in <strong>June&nbsp;</strong>and<strong>&nbsp;Desember.</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>TERANG: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Menerangi Negeri</strong> is a scientific journal has been&nbsp;<strong>Accredited</strong>&nbsp;by the&nbsp;<strong>National Journal Accreditation&nbsp;(ARJUNA)</strong>&nbsp;by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia with Class Six&nbsp;<strong>(SINTA 6)</strong>, 10 June 2022 in accordance with the Decree.<strong> No. 105/E/KPT/2022</strong></p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 150%;" align="justify"><span style="font-family: Times new roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">T</span></span><span style="font-family: Times new roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">he journal registered in the CrossRef with </span></span><strong><span style="font-family: Times new roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">Digital Object Identifier&nbsp;(DOI)&nbsp;prefix</span></span></strong><span style="font-family: Times new roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>10.33322</strong></span></a></span></span></p> <p><strong>P-ISSN (Print):&nbsp;</strong><strong>&nbsp;<a style="color: #113241;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2655-5956</a></strong><strong>&nbsp;,</strong><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong><strong>e-ISSN (electronics):&nbsp;</strong><strong><a style="color: #113241;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">&nbsp;2655-5948</a></strong></p> Strategi Strategi Branding Untuk Meningkatkan Omzet Penjualan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) 2022-12-20T14:20:06+07:00 Rahayu Widayanti [email protected] <p><em>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Tumpang District, Malang Regency, which produce food under the JAWA and Alchikmah brands, do not yet have a branding strategy to differentiate the company's products from competitors, so they experience difficulties in marketing. This activity aims to increase MSME knowledge about the importance of branding to increase sales turnover. The output targets of this activity are 1) providing knowledge about good packaging design, 2) knowledge of good logo and brand design, 3) knowledge of branding strategies to increase sales turnover, 4) knowledge of photography techniques on food products, 5) knowledge about videography techniques on food products, 6) knowledge of marketing strategies using social media. The methods used in the workshop activities include lectures, discussions and questions and answers, as well as simulations. The stages carried out in this activity are 1) field observations 2) training and workshops, 3) evaluation and mentoring. The conclusion from the results of this workshop is that the level of MSME understanding of the entire program is 92%. Some things that need to be considered are the need to carry out ongoing training to optimize knowledge about branding strategies to increase sales turnover, about photography and videography techniques for food products, and increasing marketing through social media.</em></p> 2024-01-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TERANG Peningkatan Kesadaran K3 Konstruksi Dan Pelatihan Teknologi Bim Di SMKN 4 Tangerang 2024-01-02T13:41:04+07:00 Yulisya Zuriatni [email protected] Abdul Rokhman [email protected] Desi Putri [email protected] Sriyono D. Siswoyo [email protected] Muhammad Sofyan [email protected] Endah Lestari [email protected] Darma Rusjdi [email protected] Max Teja Ajie Cipta Widiyanto [email protected] <p><em>In order to increase safety and efficiency in the construction industry, spreading awareness across people who would involve about Occupational Safety and Health (K3) as well as the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology have become more crucial than ever. It has become our community service’s (PKM) main objective to focus on socializing K3 and BIM and how to put these into practice. This socialization would increase SMKN 4 Tangerang’s students’ knowledge and awareness about how urgent and critical K3 in the construction industry is. With that, it would also help them understand on how to minimize the risk of accidents and make a working environment safer. On top of that, through BIM training, students would be equipped with the latest skills in designing and managing construction projects efficiently using digital technology. There are methods that would be applied during the process such as surveying the school, providing outreach about K3, training and embracing the use of BIM technology, and lastly evaluating the students’ understanding and awareness once the socialization has been completed. The results show that through this socialization, students have become more aware of the importance of K3 and are able to apply it in real work situations, and how to reduce risk from work incidents. Additionally, students also realize the benefits of applying BIM in construction projects which result in more efficient and accurate works, strengthening their skills and increasing their values in this ever-evolving industry.</em></p> 2024-01-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TERANG Pembangunan Toilet Sehat Untuk Meningkatkan Akses Sanitasi Yang Layak Di Mushola Al Barokah Desa Tenjo 2024-01-02T12:11:14+07:00 Pratiwi Setyaning Putri [email protected] Devita Mayasari [email protected] Budi Wicaksono [email protected] Tommy Iduwin [email protected] Tri Yuhanah [email protected] Sajiharjo [email protected] Wisnu Hariyanto [email protected] <p><em>The Al-Barokah prayer room, which is located in Leuweung Gede Village, Tenjo Village, Tenjo District, Bogor Regency, is one of the religious infrastructures where comfortable toilets and adequate septic tank drainage are not available. Prayer rooms that do not have toilet facilities cause people who worship to have to walk long distances to throw away their waste or even throw their waste carelessly, causing the surrounding environment to become polluted. Through Community Service (PKM) activities with the theme Building Healthy Toilets and Septic Tanks at the Al-Barokah Prayer Room, the aim is to create a healthy and Open Defaction Free (ODF) environment or stop open defecation in Tenjo Village through the construction of toilet and septic tank infrastructure. at the AL-Barokah prayer room. The activity implementation method consists of 1) Survey to Tenjo Village; 2) Discussion with village officials; 3) Make a cost budget plan and toilet and septic tank design; 4) Purchase of building materials and implementation of construction; 5) Handover with village cadres. It is hoped that the toilet and septic tank construction activities able to increase the comfort of worship and reduce environmental pollution in Tenjo Village, especially in Leuweung Gede Village.</em></p> 2024-01-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TERANG Pelatihan Python untuk Mengasah Kemampuan Berpikir Komputasional Siswa SMAN Sumatera Selatan 2023-10-29T15:30:54+07:00 Meredita Susanty [email protected] <p><em>Seiring perkembangan jaman, kemampuan berpikir komputasional saat ini menjadi kemampuan dasar selain kemampuan membaca, menulis, dan berhitung</em><em>. Menghadapi tuntunan ini, di Indonesia kemampuan berpikir komputasional mulai diperkenalkan di sekolah-sekolah. Sebagian besar sekolah menengah atas sudah memiliki mata pelajaran computer yang didalamnya mengajarkan berpikir komputasional. Namun, tidak semua sekolah memasukkan aspek pemrograman berorientasi objek dalam mata pelajaran tersebut. Melalui program pengabdian kepada masyarakat, civitas Universitas Pertamina memperkenalkan pemrograman berorientasi objek menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Python yang saat ini populer digunakan untuk memperkaya pengetahuan siswa-siswi sekolah menengah atas sekaligus mengasah kemampuan berpikir komputasional. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan mengajak para siswa untuk mencoba langsung membuat permainan sederhana yang mengaplikasikan konsep pemrograman berorientasi objek. Pelatihan yang diselenggaran selama dua hari secara daring ini berhasil menggugah semangat dan rasa penasaran peserta untuk belajar lebih lanjut karena dapat menggunakan langsung program yang berhasil dibuat. Penambahan level kesulitan pada permainan yang dibangun juga membuat peserta semakin tertantang. Dengan pelatihan ini diharapkan kemampuan berpikir komputasional peserta yang mencakup pemecahan masalah dengan menerapkan dekomposisi, pengenalan pola, abstraksi, dan menyelesaikan solusi langkah demi langkah (algoritmik) semakin terasah.</em></p> 2024-01-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TERANG Edukasi Untuk Pengembangan Desa Mandiri Energi Dengan Pemanfaatan Pembangkit Listrik Mikrohidro Portabel 2024-01-02T13:38:24+07:00 Samsurizal Samsurizal [email protected] Andi Makkulau [email protected] Muhammad Sofyan [email protected] <p><em>Proses pembelajaran di kelas merupakan proses penyampaian ilmu dari sumber yang satu ke sumber yang lain kepada siswa dengan tujuan menjadikan mereka lebih pintar. Pembelajaran identik tentang hard skill, namun memberikan hard skill saja tidak cukup untuk membekali mereka. Siswa dalam kehidupan sosial atau tempat kerja tidak hanya membutuhkan hard skill namun diperlukan pertumbuhan soft skill untuk menyeimbangkan keterampilan teknis yang dimiliki peserta didik. Edukasi membantu mengembangkan berbagai keterampilan dan kemampuan yang dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Edukasi juga memiliki dampak signifikan pada pembangunan ekonomi suatu negara. Individu yang terlatih dan terdidik cenderung memiliki kesempatan kerja yang lebih baik dan dapat berkontribusi lebih besar terhadap pertumbuhan Sumber Daya Manusia dan ekonomi. Mitra tempat kegiatan ini berlangsung adalah madrasah, dimana madrasah membutuhkan keterampilan siswa agar setelah lulus dapat diterapkan di masyarakat dan siswa dapat mengembangkan kapasitasnya di masyarakat. Lokasi mitra berada di desa Kramatlaban, dimana desa tersebut mempunyai banyak sumber air yang berlimpah baik untuk irigasi maupun keberlangsungan hidup masyarakat setempat. Kegiatan edukasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan pembangkit listrik mikrohidro, dengan adanya kegiatan pendidikan berupa edukasi diharapkan Desa Kramatlaban dapat menciptakan pembangunan di daerahnya, melalui kegiatan yang dilakukan di madrasah, dimana siswa akan menjadi motor penggerak kemajuan daerah daerahnya melalui pemanfaatan sumber daya alam yang ada diwilayah tersebut, sehingga wilayah tersebut menjadi desa mandiri energi.</em></p> 2024-01-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TERANG Desain Aplikasi Biaya Sebagai Penetapan Tarif Praktek Bidan Swasta 2023-07-19T19:44:14+07:00 Surtikanti Surtikanti [email protected] Sri Dewi Anggadini [email protected] Adi Rachmanto [email protected] <p><em>As long as this fee has not been calculated on a unit cost basis, the rates for midwives differ from one to another, even though they are in the same area. Tariff calculation is only based on the price of goods prevailing in the market. As a result of these differences in rates, people tend to choose private practicing midwives who provide lower rates for the same type of service. The practice of private midwives has not yet calculated the unit cost as the basis for setting tariffs. The purpose is to find out whether the rates currently used are appropriate or not with the unit cost. The data collection technique uses case studies because it only involves one partner unit, namely the midwife. The data collected was then analyzed through descriptive qualitative, namely explaining and explaining the conditions of partners in implementing the excel application regarding practice rates. The location of the community service partner at Midwife Anggraeni Linda Silfyani A.Md.Keb at Babakan Ciparay Bandung. After attending this training, private practice midwives were able to formulate a tariff pattern based on the unit cost that would be used at their practice site. From the explanation above, this dedication to the community is entitled Design Cost Application as the Basis for Determining Tariffs for Private Midwife Practice. From the community service that is carried out, it is hoped that it can minimize problems from partners and become a pilot project for other midwives who have the same problems.</em></p> 2024-01-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TERANG